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[翻译]69改变悬臂梁顶部刚度,但仅能改变频率这么多点. Pete Avitabile著 westrongmc译

热度 2已有 10453 次阅读2013-4-16 21:53 |个人分类:模态空间| 模态空间 Modal Space, 反共振频率, 刚度, Pete Avitabile, KSI科尚仪器



Pete Avitabile 著  KINGSCI INSTRUMENTS-KSI科尚仪器 组织 westrongmc 

I made a stiffness change to the tip of a cantilever beam but I can only shift the frequency so far.  

What’s up? 

Now this needs to be discussed.  





OK. This is another one of those problems that I see many people get confused about. Let’s start with a simple cantilever beam and explain some basic properties that are inherent in the system.



First, let’s start with a simple finite element model to investigate the effects of stiffness at the tip of the cantilever beam. Figure 1 shows the cantilever beam along with the cantilever beam with a spring at the tip and the cantilever beam with the end pinned. A finite element model of the beam will be used to lend some insight into what happens when the spring at the tip of the beam is varied from low stiffness to high stiffness.



Table 1 shows the first three modes of the cantilever beam and then the change in frequency as the stiffness is increased along with the final pinned result if the spring was infinitely stiff. It is very important to notice that as the spring stiffness is increased, the final frequencies converge towards the final result where the cantilever is pinned at the tip.


So this implies that the no matter how much stiffness you add at the end of the cantilever beam, the frequency can only shift so far and then any additional increases in stiffness have very little effect at all – it is a point of diminishing returns.

那么这意味着,不管你在悬臂梁顶部加了多少刚度,频率只能移动这么多点,并且后面刚度增加的再多,也几乎没有什么影响 这是一个收益递减点。


Now let’s further consider the simple cantilever beam and let’s look at the tip response. The frequency response function is shown in Figure 2 with a drive point measurement at the tip of the beam where the stiffness is to be added to the beam.



So now let’s look at the frequency response function and discuss the different parts of this function.  At the natural frequencies, there is a peak in the function. Basically, this is a region in frequency where it takes very little force to cause large response. At the resonant frequency it appears that the structure has no apparent stiffness.  



Now at the antiresonances, this is a region in frequency where it takes excessive force and there is very little to essentially no response. At the antiresonant frequency, it appears that the structure is infinitely stiff. That is to say that at the antiresonant frequencies, there is no displacement and it appears that the cantilever is pinned at that point at that antiresonant frequency.


Now if there would be a change in stiffness at the tip of the cantilever beam, then there would be a shift in the peaks of this function. If stiffness is added to the tip of the beam then the peaks will shift upward. This is shown in Figure 3.


But as the stiffness is increased, there will be some limit to the shift in the frequency of the system.  Now if we realize that the antiresonance is actually the frequency at which the cantilever beam tip displacement is zero, then it is obvious that this is the frequency where the beam appears to be pinned at the tip. This is shown in Figure 4. From that schematic it is easy to realize that the peaks of the unconstrained cantilever beam can never shift past the antiresonances of the cantilever beam because this is essentially the cantilever constrained at the tip which is the pinned condition.


So from this discussion, it should be clear that the cantilever beam frequencies can only shift so far when a spring is considered at the tip of the beam. Further, we can actually identify how far those frequencies can shift by looking at the antiresonances at the tip of the unconstrained cantilever beam.



I hope that this discussion clears up the mystery as to why the frequencies can only shift so far before there is no further change in the frequencies. The best way to prove it to yourself is to make a simple finite element model and check out the results. If you have any more questions on modal analysis, just ask me.




2. 本文由westrongmc翻译, http://home.chinavib.com/space-uid-190415.html
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5. 如您使用本文翻译,请注明“Pete Avitabile著  KSI科尚仪器组织,westrongmc译”及本文链接
6. 感谢Pete Avitabile写出了这么好的文章,并愿意分享
7. 模态空间系列文章正由北京科尚仪器技术有限公司(KSI-KingSci Instruments)

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回复 mxlzhenzhu 2013-4-16 23:11
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