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Compiling and Linking Intel MKL 10.0 using Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005 or 200

已有 565 次阅读2014-2-6 16:42 | Microsoft, Intel

The following provides instructions for compiling and linking your program with Intel® MKL v.10.x using Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008 or Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005:

  1. Select View » Solution Explorer (and make sure this window is active).
  2. Select Tools » Options » Projects and Solutions » VC++ Directories.
  3. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for:, select Include Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL include files (e.g. default: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\10.x\include).
  4. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for: select Library Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL library files (e.g. default: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\10.x\ia32\lib).
  5. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for: select Executable Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL executable files (e.g. default: C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\10.x\ia32\bin).
  6. On the main toolbar select Project » Properties » Configuration Properties » Linker » Input and in the "Additional Dependencies" line, add the libraries needed by your application. For example, for dynamic linking of user code containing LAPACK or BLAS functions link tomkl_intel_c_dll.lib mkl_intel_thread_dll.lib mkl_core_dll.lib libiomp5md.lib). Please refer to the Intel MKL User's Guide, Chapter 5 for more information.
对于MKL 11.1,默认目录为C:\Program Files\Intel\Composer XE\mkl,并且还需要把dll文件(目录为C:\Program Files\Intel\Composer XE 2013 SP1\redist\ia32\mkl)拷贝至项目中

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