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热度 1已有 1385 次阅读2013-2-19 10:49 | 电流, 采集卡

Enable Excitation in LabVIEW:

Excitation is enabled in LabVIEW by either using DAQmx Create Channel.vi and setting it to Analog Input  More  Custom Voltage with Excitation, or by using a DAQmx Channel Property Node.vi. The excitation options can be found in the DAQmx Channel Property Node under Analog Input  General Properties  Signal Conditioning  Excitation. The main properties that need to be set in order to enable excitation are Excitation Source and Excitation Value. After you browse to these options, you must right-click on the property node and choose "Change All To Write" so you can write values to these properties. To enable internal excitation, set Excitation Source to Internal, and wire the value of excitation desired (in Volts or Amperes) to Excitation Value. To disable Excitation, wire a 0 to Excitation Value. You can then add the property node after the DAQmx Create Channel.vi but before the DAQmx Start.vi. The resulting LabVIEW code for both options are pictured below. 
Note that when using the DAQmx Channel Property Node, the channel name is wired to the Active Channels input of the property node. This will cause the excitation settings to only be applied to that particular channel (assuming your device supports excitation on a per channel basis). To apply the excitation settings to all channels, simply don't wire anything to the Active Channels property.

Enable Excitation in ANSI C:

Excitation is enabled in ANSI C by setting the Analog Input  General Properties Signal Conditioning Excitation 嘀愀氀甀攀   property to the desired excitation value using either theDAQmxSetAIExcitVal function or the DAQmxSetChanAttribute function. Setting this property to 0 disables excitation, while setting it to the desired excitation value (in Volts or Amperes) enables excitation.

Example Function Calls in ANSI C

DAQmxSetChanAttribute(taskhandle, "Dev1/ai0", DAQmx_AI_Excit_Val, 0.004)

DAQmxSetAIExcitVal(taskHandle, "Dev1/ai0", 0.004)

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