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今日学习的英语(13/9)(sedan,junk,shed tears ,.........)

已有 656 次阅读2006-9-13 20:09 |个人分类:关注学习

天气: 晴朗
心情: 高兴


1. junk  n.垃圾, litter rubbish

2. sedan  n. 私家轿车, 轿子

3. insomniac n.失眠症患者

4. shed tears. 流出眼泪

5. 下面这句话好难:

China has long sought to limit foreign distribution of news inside the country while exercising harsh limits on domestic media that are often arbitrarily enforced by vaguely worded state security rules that mandate harsh penalties, including long prison terms, for violations.


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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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