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已有 681 次阅读2010-12-10 15:56 |

How many "gelivable" internet words and phrases do you know? Everyone will be "smilence" if you don't know the word "ungelivable". Here is an example: the contents today are very ungelivable. The word "ungelivable" means something is not exciting enough to make people cheerful.

Here is an example: Don't be so cockrock, you should be eggcalm. The word "cockrock" means "excited" and the "eggcalm" means "calm and sedate". These two words are used to describe people's reaction to face all kinds of abnormal persons or things.

“神马”和“浮云”:例句:这年头,神马(什么)都是浮云(floating clouds)。词句在广大网民中非常受欢迎,意思是“这年头什么都不值得一提”,有抱怨感叹之意,在某种程度上也表达出人们对社会、对生活和对未来的一种无奈。
Here is an example:In recent years, all the god horses are nothing but floating clouds. This is a very popular sentence among netizens which means that " All the things are just imagination". To some extent,it shows that someone is helpless and hopeless to society, life and the future.

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