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非线性研究中的一些Open Problems

已有 1802 次阅读2008-6-24 13:27 |个人分类:混沌与分形艺术

如题,在期刊主业上看到一些关于非线性的Open Problems。特转于此希望能够给大家的学习和科研提供一些参考


Open Problems are short, commissioned articles presenting personal selections of interesting and/or important problems and challenges, large and small, from leaders in the field.
Our hope is that these articles will contribute to setting the agenda for the next 20 years, and beyond. We took great pleasure in inviting these articles and hope that readers of Nonlinearity will find them interesting, stimulating and, in some cases, even provocative


The three-dimensional Euler equations: singular or non-singular?
J D Gibbon, M Bustamante and R M Kerr
Nonlinearity 21 No 8 (August 2008) T123-T129

(2008-06-24 13:27:34, Size: 117 KB, Downloads: 0)

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