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已有 831 次阅读2010-11-2 09:39 |

From wikipedia

"Cha-Ching" is the first single from Hedley's third studio album. The song entered the Canadian Hot 100 at #34 on the 36th week of 2009 and ended up reaching the top ten peaking at #6. It is about reality television shows being fabricated, and references several TV shows and stars.

Imitative of the sound of a cash register when an amount is rung up. Popularized in 1992 by the movie Wayne's World [1] and by a 1992 advertisement featuring Seth Green


  1. (US, Australian) Score!; Wow!; said to celebrate something that has made or will make lots of money.


  1. To make a cash register or slot machine noise; to make the noise of coins falling.

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