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Kane's 方法简介

已有 726 次阅读2007-4-4 12:30 |个人分类:韩国课题

Kane's 方法的发展

Kane's Method 区别于别的方法的特征
1   genderalized speed

2   partial velocities and partial angular speed

Kane's method适合复杂的3-D问题的运动方程的获得
原因: compared with the virtual principle,  a virtual angular displacement is a vector while the angular displacement is not. however, since the angular velocity is a vector, Kane's method which employs the partial angular velocities to drive the equations of motion does not encounter any problems .

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回复 qiandashuai 2007-4-23 12:48
全是学习的东西啊 :)

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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