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已有 645 次阅读2006-9-19 10:47

天气: 晴朗
心情: 平静

Chapter 1. Overview of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis


The ANSYS program supports high-frequency electromagnetic analysis. This type of analysis calculates the propagation properties of electromagnetic fields and waves in a given structure. The ANSYS program supports both time-harmonic and modal high-frequency analysis.


Except in a few cases, most-high-frequency devices use electromagnetic waves to carry information. For this reason, frequency plays a vital role in the design of such devices. High-frequency electromagnetic field analysis simulates the electromagnetic phenomena in a structure when the wavelength of the signal is of the same order of magnitude or smaller than the dimensions of the model. The high-frequency band ranges from hundreds of MHz to hundreds of GHz.


In general, you use high-frequency electromagnetic field analysis to solve interior problems or exterior problems. For interior problems, an electromagnetic field propagates or oscillates in a closed structure such as an accelerator chamber, a microwave filter, or a high-speed electronic package. The oscillating frequencies and scattering matrix parameter (S-parameter) are usually investigated. For exterior problems, an electromagnetic wave radiates into open space or it is scattered by an object in the open domain. Examples are phased antenna arrays and radar reflection from a metallic object. The radiation pattern, directive gain, or radar cross section (RCS) is usually investigated.


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