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Use Newton's method to solve the nonlinear system

已有 544 次阅读2012-4-28 09:41 |

Example 1.  Use Newton's method to solve the nonlinear system  


Solution 1.

First, enter the coordinate functions [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_15.gif] and construct the vector function  [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_16.gif]  using Mathematica, and then find the Jacobian matrix [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_17.gif].  




Second, graph the curves  [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_20.gif]  and  [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_21.gif]  using Mathematica.  The points of intersection are the solutions we seek.  




(i)  Use the Newton-Raphson method to find a numerical approximation to the solution near  [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_25.gif].  



Accuracy is determined by the tolerance and number of iterations.  How accurate was the solution "really"?

Do you think that iteration produced the solution ? Why ?  

Compare with Mathematica's built in routine.



Whose answer is best, ours or Mathematica's ?  How can this be ?  Find out how to increase the number of iterations in Mathematica's subroutine.







(ii)  Use the Newton-Raphson method to find a numerical approximation to the solution near  [Graphics:../Images/BroydenMethodMod_gr_36.gif].  



Do you think that iteration produced the solution ? Why ?  

Compare with Mathematica's built in routine.



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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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