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Mulligan' face smile

已有 944 次阅读2010-8-16 22:35

lift hi brows: He turn to Stephen abuy dvds nd ask in a fine puzzl voice.

brother,-- Can you recall. is mother Grogan' tea and water pot spoken of in the Mabinogion or is it in the Upanishads?

said Stephen gravely. -- I doubt it.

pray? -- Do you now? Buck Mulligan said in the same tone. Your reasons.

Stephen said as he ate,-- I fancy. it did not exist in or out of the Mabinogion. Mother Grogan was, on cheap dvds imagines, a kinswoman of Mari Ann.

Buck Mulligan' face smile with delight.

he said in a finic sweet voice,-- Charming. show hi white teeth and blink hi ey pleasantly. Do you think she was? Quit charming.

suddenli overcloud all hi featurescomplete season,Then. he growl in a hoarsen rasp voic as he hew again vigor at the loaf:

-- For old Mari Ann

She doesn't care a damn.

hise up her petticoats..But..

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